[Image: Cropped map of 1871–1914 Europe; Text: Irish-Danish-German Heritage]

(Europe, 1871–1914)

Weißenstadt Urban Municpality

Irish–Danish–German Heritage


[Image: Germanic Gothic script; Text: Weissenstadt with Eszett for ss]

Weißenstadt urban municipality (Gemeinde Weißenstadt, Stadt) lies in western Wunsiedel administrative district, Upper Franconia administrative region, Bavaria, Germany. Its seat is Weißenstadt town.

Relevant families:

Map highlighting Wunsiedel administrative district and Weißenstadt urban municipality
[Image: Map of Wunsiedel administrative district]
Map of Weißenstadt urban municipality
[Image: Map of Weissenstadt municipality]
Localities of Weißenstadt urban municipality
Locality nameLocality type

Source: Adapted from table, Alle Orte in der Gemeinde Weißenstadt, St [All Localities in Weißenstadt Urban Municipality], Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online [site in German]; translation by IrishDanishGermanHeritage.

Birkvillage (Dorf)
Frankenvillage (Dorf)
Frohnlohewilderness (Einöde)
Grubvillage (Dorf)
Grubbachwilderness (Einöde)
Hühnerhöfenwilderness (Einöde)
Kohlmesserhauswilderness (Einöde)
Lehstenhamlet (Weiler)
Meierhofvillage (Dorf)
Neuenhammerwilderness (Einöde)
Ruppertsgrünvillage (Dorf)
Schönlindvillage (Dorf)
Torfmoorhöllehamlet (Weiler)
Voitsumravillage (Dorf)
Weiherhöfenvillage (Dorf)
Weißenhaidvillage (Dorf)
Weißenhaider Mühlewilderness (Einöde)
Weißenstadthead town (Hauptort)
Zechenhauswilderness (Einöde)
Ziegelhütte b.Lehsten [Ziegelhütte bei Lehsten]hamlet (Weiler)
Zigeunermühlehamlet (Weiler)

In the 19th century, Weißenstadt was the seat of a smaller Weißenstadt urban municipality, Kirchenlamitz regional judicial district (Landgericht Kirchenlamitz). Franken municipality merged with Weißenstadt urban municipality in 1978 (Franken official page [site in German]).

Localities of earlier Weißenstadt urban municipality, ca. 1868
Locality nameLocality type

Source: Data from Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 961 [p. 325; in German].

Grubbachhamlet (Weiler)
Lehstenhamlet (Weiler)
Lehstenbachmühlewilderness (Einöde)
Neuenhammerwilderness (Einöde)
Weiherhöfenhamlet (Weiler)
Weißenstadttown (Stadt)



[Image: Germanic Gothic script; Text: Birk]

Birk lies in southeastern Weißenstadt urban municipality. Weißenstadt’s Birk is not to be confused with the other Birk in Upper Franconia, to the southwest of this one: Birk village, Emtmannsberg municipality, Bayreuth administrative district.

Relevant individual: Erhard Barthmann [Erhardt Barthman]

Interactive map of Birk, Weißenstadt urban municipality, in Bavaria, Germany

In the 19th century, Birk was in Franken municipality (seat: Franken village), Kirchenlamitz regional judicial district (Landgericht Kirchenlamitz), and Weißenstadt was a separate municipality in Kirchenlamitz regional judicial district. Franken municipality merged with Weißenstadt urban municipality in 1978 (Franken official page [site in German]).

Localities of former Franken municipality, ca. 1868
Locality nameLocality type

Source: Data from Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 960 [p. 324; in German].

Birkvillage (Dorf)
Birkenbachermühlemill (Mühle)
Frankenvillage (Dorf)
Meyerhof (Meierhof)village (Dorf)

The table below shows the administrative units of government around Birk:

Birk within Germany, ca. 1868 and current
ca. 1868Currentca. 1868Current

Sources: Data from:

  • Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 960 [p. 324; in German].
  • Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online, s.v. “Birk” [site in German].
Birk [locality]Birk [locality]Ort BirkOrt Birk
Franken municipalityWeißenstadt urban municipalityGemeinde FrankenGemeinde Weißenstadt, Stadt
Kirchenlamitz regional judicial districtWunsiedel administrative districtLandgericht KirchenlamitzLandkreis Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge
Wunsiedel district officeBezirksamt Wunsiedel
Upper Franconia administrative regionUpper Franconia administrative regionRegierungsbezirk OberfrankenRegierungsbezirk Oberfranken
Kingdom of BavariaBavaria [state]Königreich BayernFreistaat Bayern
German ConfederationFederal Republic of GermanyDeutscher BundBundesrepublik Deutschland
Population of the village of Birk

Sources: Data from

  • Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 960 [p. 324; in German].
  • Amtliches Ortsverzeichnis für Bayern 1991, p. 321 [site in German].
Birk on map showing the region in 14th century
[Image: Map of Fichtel Mountains]
Close-up (Birk at center)
[Image: Close-up of map of Fichtel Mountains]

Source: Adapted from screen capture of ebook, 2-page map, Karte des Egerlandes von 1322 [Map of Eger Region from 1322], in Gradl 1893, 184a, photo plate; left-page only, image straightened.

Note: Map legend for changing boundaries of Eger-river region:

  • ( —•— ) Shifted region (Versetztes Gebiet)
  • ( — ) Boundary of the oldest Eger region (Grenze des ältesten Egerlandes)
  • (+•+) From King John of Bohemia (reigned 1310–1346) to the displacement of the added-on region (Von K. Johann zum Versatze einbezogenes Gebiet)


Weißenstadt town

[Image: Germanic Gothic script; Text: Weissenstadt with Eszett for ss]

The town of Weißenstadt (Stadt Weißenstadt) lies in central Weißenstadt urban municipality.

Relevant individual: Erhard Barthmann [Erhardt Barthman] (school record)

Weißenstadt town and Weißenstadt Lake
[Image: Lake, city, and farmland]

Source: Reproduced from public-domain photograph by 4cmedia, “GELO Weissenstadt,” 2 December 2005, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GELO_weissenstadt.jpg; description: “Weißenstadt aus der Luft im September 2005. Im Vordergrund die GELO Holzwerke. Im Hintergrund ist der Schneeberg und Ochsenkopf zu sehen” [Weißenstadt from the air in September 2005. GELO Holzwerke (GELO Timber Industries) in the foreground. In the background Schneeberg and Ochsenkopf can be seen.].

Note: The photograph looks southwest. The mountain at top center is Schneeberg. Birk lies southeast of Weißenstadt town and Weißenstadt Lake (Weißenstädter See) and northeast of Schneeberg, to the left of the frame of this photograph.

Interactive map of Weißenstadt town in Bavaria, Germany

In the 19th century, Weißenstadt was the seat of a smaller Weißenstadt urban municipality, Kirchenlamitz regional judicial district (Landgericht Kirchenlamitz). Franken municipality merged with Weißenstadt urban municipality in 1978 (Franken official page [site in German]).

Localities of earlier Weißenstadt urban municipality, ca. 1868
Locality nameLocality type

Source: Data from Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 961 [p. 325; in German].

Grubbachhamlet (Weiler)
Lehstenhamlet (Weiler)
Lehstenbachmühlewilderness (Einöde)
Neuenhammerwilderness (Einöde)
Weiherhöfenhamlet (Weiler)
Weißenstadttown (Stadt)

The table below shows the administrative units of government around Weißenstadt town:

Weißenstadt town within Germany, ca. 1868 and current
ca. 1868Currentca. 1868Current

Sources: Data from:

  • Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 961 [p. 325; in German].
  • Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online, s.v. “Weißenstadt” [site in German].
Weißenstadt [town]Weißenstadt [town]Stadt WeißenstadtStadt Weißenstadt
Weißenstadt urban municipalityWeißenstadt urban municipalityGemeinde Weißenstadt, StadtGemeinde Weißenstadt, Stadt
Kirchenlamitz regional judicial districtWunsiedel administrative districtLandgericht KirchenlamitzLandkreis Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge
Wunsiedel district officeBezirksamt Wunsiedel
Upper Franconia administrative regionUpper Franconia administrative regionRegierungsbezirk OberfrankenRegierungsbezirk Oberfranken
Kingdom of BavariaBavaria [state]Königreich BayernFreistaat Bayern
German ConfederationFederal Republic of GermanyDeutscher BundBundesrepublik Deutschland
Population of the town of Weißenstadt

Sources: Data from

  • Heyberger et al. 1868, col. 961 [p. 325; in German].
  • Amtliches Ortsverzeichnis für Bayern 1991, p. 321 [site in German].
Weißenstadt on map showing the region in 14th century
[Image: Map of Fichtel Mountains]
Close-up (Weißenstadt at center)
[Image: Close-up of map of Fichtel Mountains]

Source: Adapted from screen capture of ebook, 2-page map, Karte des Egerlandes von 1322 [Map of Eger Region from 1322], in Gradl 1893, 184a, photo plate; left-page only, image straightened.

Note: Map legend for changing boundaries of Eger-river region:

  • ( —•— ) Shifted region (Versetztes Gebiet)
  • ( — ) Boundary of the oldest Eger region (Grenze des ältesten Egerlandes)
  • (+•+) From King John of Bohemia (reigned 1310–1346) to the displacement of the added-on region (Von K. Johann zum Versatze einbezogenes Gebiet)


Reference list
