[Image: Cropped map of 1871–1914 Europe; Text: Irish-Danish-German Heritage]

(Europe, 1871–1914)


Irish–Danish–German Heritage


Henry Frederick Harder was born in Germany, immigrated to the United States in the early 1880s, and lived in Iowa.

Relevant individuals:

Harders in modern Germany by telephone-directory entries (total 4,885)
RankAdministrative districtNumber of household entries

Source: Data from Absolute Verteilung des Namens “Harder” [Absolute Distribution of the Name “Harder”], ca. 2008, Verwandt.de, http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/harder.html [with color-coded map; site in German].

Note: Each telephone-directory entry may represent several individuals.

1Hamburg [city state]302
2Rendsburg–Eckernförde [in Schleswig–Holstein]233
3Berlin [city state]201


Surname meaning

[Image: Germanic Gothic script; Text: Harder]

Harder is a German surname based variously on given names, location, or occupation.

Meaning of Harder
Meaning of surnameSource

Note: The German word Hart (or Hard) means “woods, forest” (Grimm & Grimm, 1854–1961).

1. [Northern Germany] from Harder or Herder (given names)Bahlow 2002, Hanks 2013
2. [Northern Germany] from Harther (given name)Kohlheim & Kohlheim 2005
3. from Hardt, Haardt, etc. (place names including the meaning “woods, forest”)Bahlow 2002, Hanks 2013 (also from geographical feature), Kohlheim & Kohlheim 2005
4. foresterJones 2006


Reference list
