John V. Barthman Obituary, 1920
J. V. Barthman Passed Away
J. V. Barthman died at his home north of Reeve, Sunday, Octobed 10th at 1:30 a. m. Tho he had not been well for some time, his death came as a shock, as he was not considered so seriously ill.
Deceased was born in Germany on Dec. 26th, 1862 and emigrated to this country at the age of 18 years, and moved to the farm here 26 years ago.[a] He has served as one of the members of the board of directors for several years.
Besides his wife, he is survived by fiv[e] sons and two daughters, all of whom were with him to the last. He also leaves two brothers and one sister and a host of friends.
Funeral services were held at the U. B. church Tuesday afternoon, Oct 12th, in charge of the M. W. A. lodge. Rev. Adams of Turtle Lake officiated.[b] The interment took place at the Reeve cemetery, under a covering of beautiful floral offerings.
Among relatives who came to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Harder of Rockwell, Ia., two brothers from Iowa, Dr. Geo. Ols[e]n of St. Paul,Nb., Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Diamond Bluff, Wis., Harry and Peter Olson, of Red Wing, Minn., also the members of the creamery board and Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Clear Lake.
Sleep on thou dearest father, sleep,
Thy children mourn thy loss;
Around thy silent grave we weep,
That’s covered o’er with moss.
Friends and neighbors extend sincere sympathy to the family in their bereavement.